Unintentional Hilarity.
22 July 2006
The half-hearted attempt at movie-making that is "Sweet Insanity" is so full of witless storytelling and bad acting that I was practically rolling on the floor laughing from the moment it came on. If you can get a fun group of people together and sit around, eating popcorn and mocking this movie - you'll have a blast. If you try to actually WATCH "Sweet Insanity," the sheer lack of quality will put you into a coma.

It's important to note to anyone that is thinking of renting this film - this is NOT meant to be a great horror movie. This is a B-Horror movie made for direct release to video. Films like this are used as padding in the video stores to flesh out the new-release walls with what appears to be new horror movies. Some of the releases are just plain awful (see: "Beyond the Wall of Sleep) and some, like this film, can provide a good deal of laughter if you've got a good sense of humor and know how to poke fun.
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