Review of Crazy

Crazy (II) (2008)
Songwriter/Guitarist unable to control his world unraveling seemingly by no fault of his own. The struggle he faces to keep music ahead of other worldly problems.
24 July 2006
Wanted this movie to better, felt more like 'The Real World' than 'Walk the Line'. anti climactic and confusing in places, underdeveloped character re pore. important story lines disregarded in place of empty dialog. issues of race as well as alcoholism thrown into the forefront briefly with little or no precedent set earlier in the film. solid acting lost due to wavering plot lines and lack of character development save that of Hank Garland. seemingly contrived movie title, this movie often feigns at an 'Aviator' like tragedy when in reality comes closer to that of an 'A.I.' with a melancholy and somewhat abrupt ending. carried by performance of main character Hank Garland (Waylon Payne), whose performance just might be worth the price of admission.
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