Red Ninja: End of Honor (2005 Video Game)
It was so promising...
25 July 2006
This game had potential. I just know it had. They came up with a good idea and tried to work it out. Too bad they didn't try hard enough...

When it comes to video games, I give my stars to a number of aspects: graphics and music (2), plot (2), game play (6).

So here's my score: Graphics and music: 2 /2 Plot : 1,5 /2 Gameplay : 2,5 /6

And now the explanation.

From the intro FMV on I knew the game had beautiful graphics. They weren't Final Fantasy, but they were great. Later on I found out the cut scenes were good as well and so was the music in every level.

The plot was very movie-like, you really learn your place in this story and it feels good to play your part and do your stuff.

But then came the game play...

I only have one word for it: frustrating. The camera movement only is annoying. You have to do it all manually, then when you want to do it manually, you can't. The camera never repositions so you have to do it yourself. Then the battles. You can not lock on to an enemy that easily. It takes a while for you to do so and after you've attacked him, you have to lock on again. The Tetsugen was a very original idea, but it's a very difficult weapon to work with. There's a limited range to use this weapon, you can't be standing to close and you can't be too far off either. Close enough for the enemy to hear you, if you aren't careful. When an enemy strikes you down you better equip a Potion cause in the later levels it's difficult to pull away from his attacks, since you have to stay on the ground for three more seconds, Gods knows why, before you can get up. Sometimes you can block enemy attacks, but I don't really understand why they've put that in either. Most of the time, you can't. There aren't many save points in the game, which is also very annoying. You can be wondering about a level for hours, in the middle of the night, longing to get some sleep, then you finally break through, you end up in another long level, without being able to save your progress.

Like I said, it had potential, but it just wasn't meant to be.
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