Probably the funniest DVD box-set you will ever see
26 July 2006
If you are a fan of G1 Transformers, then the comedy value of this boxset will never cease! Honestly, every time you watch it it gets funnier and funnier.

The biggest cause for hilarity is the voice actors in the US dub. I think there were only about 4 of them as everyone seems to have the same voice.

Rather than the heroic, robotic voices from the original cartoons, we have very polite voices in their place. Grimlock, for example, does not speak in his harsh, mixed-up sentences. He is as polite as everyone else.

Galvatron seems to rush through every sentence just to get to laugh. And he does. At the end of every sentence.

As do Sixshot and Zarak.

The dialogue is unbelievably funny at times, you'll find yourself rewinding the DVD just to clarify you heard what you thought you heard. And the plot lines are so full of holes and confusion that even in its own universe it makes no sense! The star of the show is undoubtedly Galvatron - who's evil schemes include building an enormous sword, agreeing then disagreeing with his Aviation Assistant Cyclonus, and his Ninja Consultant, Sixshot, and not to mention his overall masterplan to integrate Earth into his system (?) I cannot stress enough how funny you will find this.

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