This is Sick Crap Tis True But I'M LOVING IT!
28 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I brought the movie knowing full well it would contain homeless dope addicts and drunks slugging it out. I live in Baltimore, Maryland and the fights and beat downs you see on this DVD is no worse than anything you see in the wrong parts of Baltimore or in any other major American city. Truth is when the rigid blinder wearing plastic liberal office mice all climb into their nice metal cages, or crawl into subway for their daily scurry back out to the relative safety of the their rich suburban gated communities BRUTAL REALITY REIGN'S ONCE MORE IN THE DARK Foreboding FORGOTTEN CORNERS OF AN INNER CITY. HAPLESS BUMS DRUNKS AND ADDICTS LURK LIKE INNER CITY PIGEONS, ALWAYS IN PLAIN VIEW YET NEVER TRULY NOTICED BY HURRIED DAYTIME SOULS SO ENGROSSED IN FULL MEANINGFUL LIVES THEY FORGET TO CARE! These Bum Fight videos are an unflinching look at the ugly reality of the pathetic lives some people CHOOSE TO LEAD under the cover of urban twilight! Being a total bum is a choice. I am disabled; I once lived on section 8, a tiny disability check, eating free government cheese, butter and such. I was poor but I had my honor and dignity. But I chose to live with dignity; I did not drink, do drugs, or engage in criminal behavior. I spent my money wisely so while I was not rich I survived nicely thank you. You see being poor is not an excuse to become a drunken bum. Being a drunken bum or an addict is a choice a person makes and they alone are responsible for their choice.

Last time I checked no one demands at gun point that a drunk drink himself silly. No one makes a dope addict shoot up. No one makes a crack addict light up. No one forces a crystal methamphetamine freak to destroy themselves. Bum's fight in these DVD's for weird reasons that make sense only if their weird twisted logic is used. Bums fight on these DVD's for the exact same reasons that motivate all the other lame self destructive stupid things homeless people do. Some chronic street people are into a self destructive lifestyle. Some bums enjoy living life on the edge because they like the thrill of cheating death or living life totally on THEIR OWN SELFISH TERMS! The DVD is funny to me only because these bums made their life choices to become dope addicted, homeless, drunken outcasts fodder for this type of DVD. Likewise these bums made their choice to fight and act up for the quick fix offered by a lame prize, pocket change or cheap booze. I would not have made such a decision for myself but, I don't fault others for doing things I would not choose myself. I do not do drugs but if someone else wants to do them I will warn them it is a bad choice and if they still want to be a dope addict I wave goodbye while watching them sail toward a date certain with personal and financial ruin. Bum's have the right to fight in these stupid DVD's for weak prizes if they want to because, of something we call personal freedom. If all the bum fighters in the DVD agree to the terms of the game they have every right to express and display their sick passions however they want.

I have no moral high horse. If all the bums in the DVD agree to fight and the film makers have signed releases from legally competent parties, I say let the games begin. We all know that increasingly what is legal in our free society is seldom moral. I say if you are offended by these DVD's on high tone moral grounds no one is forcing you to buy or watch the DVD's anymore than the bums were forced to take part in making them. If you don't like the bum fight DVD's steer clear of the DVD's do not buy them but, leave those who want to watch these Bum fight DVD's alone. For all legal activities like watching bums fight in a capitalist society, thriving markets exist with patrons aching to buy their vulgar wares.

These DVD's are no worse than watching toothless hillbillies and poor ignorant folk get provoked into staged fighting on the lamest trash TV talk shows. Bring hillbillies, poor blacks and whites to Chicago let them stay in fine hotels for a few days, eat in nice places and all they have to do in return is brawl on TV for a few minutes like the mindless thugs they are. Curse pull out each others weaves, tear off shirts, pants whatever, punch each other into bloody pulp and thereby reinforce the most negative stereotypes of blacks, poor whites in trailer parks and country hill folk. These Bum fight DVD's are just a variation on an ugly theme feeding a need in America for this sort of gritty no holds barred reality entertainment. The Blood lust is not new it goes back to Roman times. The blood lust in America is already wide spread and this Bum fight DVD is just feeding the need and people who hate these Bum Fight DVDS need to just get over it!
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