Funny Face (1957)
Beauty of France and Audrey Hepburn
28 July 2006
Though it occasionally suffers from high sugar content, it is a very diverting film musical. Afterall, how often do you get to see Audrey Hepburn sing and dance? This the first of the 3 films that Stanley Donen collaborates with Audrey Hepburn. Not sure if this is a coincidental, but all of these 3 films are shot in France.

Here, Stanley Donen successfully captures the beauty of France, as well as Audrey Hepburn. One of the highlights of this film is "Bonjour Paris", where all the major characters sings as they explore Paris. In this sequence, Stanley Donen uses his trademark split-screen technique(see also "Indiscreet" and "The Grass is Greener"). Another highlight is Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire's dancing duet "He Loves and She Loves". The couple don't just romance with each other, they romance with Paris. The scenery was very beautifully shot and the intrusion of the ducks and swans only add to the scene.

With the help of Stanley Donen, Audrey Hepburn redefines modeling. Like Jo Stockton said in the beginning, I initially think that "modeling is chichi and is an unrealistic approach to economy". However, this film rediscover modeling. A model full of live and spirit, and speaks with intelligence. Here, Audrey Hepburn's love for dancing is apparent. She did a wide variety of dances. Being a trained ballet dancer, she did the ballet sequences the best.

As usual, Fred Astaire plays his role with perfect comic timing and dances like that way he always has. However, one of the drawback of this film is his romance with Audrey Hepburn. He is old enough to be his father. Fortunately for me, I found that chemistry sizzling enough to forget about their age difference.

Many people pointed out the the plot is too thin to be worthy of being a classic. Sure enough, it is very slight. Still, being a comedy that is endlessly filled with funny dialogs, adding to the film is the great score and songs An under-appreciated gem.
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