A very sweet film
28 July 2006
I saw "Shining Boy and Little Randy" - the English title of this movie, on an airplane flying home after 5 months in Thailand (which probably makes me partial). It's the story Tetsuo, an unpopular Japanese boy whose strange family has its own zoo at home. Tetsuo's mother gets rid of most of the animals to realize her life-long dream of having her own elephant, aka "Randy". When he feels a special bond and ability to communicate with Randy, Tetsuo persuades his mother to let him go to Northern Thailand for two years to become a mahout (elephant trainer). Unlikely I grant you, but don't be put off. In Thailand he learns a lot about elephants, himself and life in general. Upon return to Japan he uses what he learned to try to teach something to the rest of the world. This is a simple and beautiful little film with a couple of guaranteed tears, and an ending that would make a wax figure cry. It is great for the whole family (those able to read subtitles anyway). Don't miss it. I ended up watching it 3 times in a row and want the DVD.
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