Selling Innocence (2005 TV Movie)
Selling SEX
28 July 2006
This movie makes me think of that anti-death penalty bumper sticker: "Why do we kill people to show people that killing people is wrong?" Here's another: "Why do we make movies showing off half-naked kids to show that showing off half-naked kids is wrong?" The hypocrisy is sickening. Do you think they made this movie to "wake people up?" Really? Or, was this a movie made to make money by selling the titillating notion of teens showing themselves half-dressed on web sites? Duh.

It is amazing to me how many people watch this and say, "This is what we need to wake people up!" Please. Hollywood is not known for their altruism for true blue altruistic purposes. But, preachy movies that make people THINK they are crusading against this or that - WHILE EXPLOITING the very thing they are crusading against? Hollywood knows that game better than anyone.

Hypocrisy - plain and simple.

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