Um - I laughed and laughed - doesn't that mean it was good?
28 July 2006
I mean - I'm a fairly harsh critic and I hate most every gay movie that comes out (I'm gay BTW) and I was poised for this one to annoy the crap out of me. But it started and I'll tell you - I was wiping away the tears (from laughter) from pretty much the opening sequence. The four men they found for the four leads were astoundingly, shamelessly gleeful in their complicated renderings of these boys - they didn't phone anything in - even the gratuitous (I'm a littly prudish, I guess) flatulation sequence was imbued with a sincerity and a sweetness that was welcome and unexpectedly necessary and it made it actually, genuinely funny. That doesn't happen often with flatulation jokes for me. And I think that description defines the entire film for me - it was unexpectedly inspired and made me laugh when I wouldn't have typically. And I cried, too - for the sweetness of one story line. I usually feel manipulated and ridiculous after a romantic comedy but something happens in this film that brings it home - I wasn't angry and I wanted it to go on and on and on. As a gay film buff I guess it was hugely satisfying to see the same stupid movie I've seen seven thousand times about straight people remade - and reconsidered - and turned into something that I could claim as my own. I got it - and I don't usually get to get it. It's a special hour and a half - I hope everyone gets to see it.
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