Review of Aquaman

Aquaman (2006 TV Movie)
The pilot was awesome!
30 July 2006
I do not agree with the other post. The show had a lot of potential, and unfortunately, it was not given the chance. It was after all a pilot, so they were setting up the story lines. Justin Hartley did an excellent job as A.C. His character was rebellious and cocky, but very likable. Ving, Lou, and the rest of the cast did a great job as well. All the actors worked well with one another. I found the story lines to be really interesting, and the special effects were awesome. The ending only left me wanting more, and it left me wondering why the heck CW passed up on it. It's an incredibly stupid decision on their part. They take up another season of 7th Heaven and leave this out? It's still #1 on i-Tunes, and it's been 5 days already. The trailer did really well on you-tube too gaining over 100,000+ views. For the most part, people like it. I would hope by its success on i-Tunes that there's still a chance for this show come mid-season. It's such a shame if this is all we get to see. CW hasn't even come out yet, and already, they made a stupid decision.
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