Good Stuff
1 August 2006
When you look at the outside cover of the box set of DVDs, you might think this would be one of the most girliest and corniest anime series out on the block. But don't let appearances deceive you, because this was a special show for me to remember, because it was hilarious and cute at the same time.

A friend of mine let me borrow this series two weeks ago, mentioning that despite the fact its a series about Japanese school girls (we're both guys), its for a fact not about girlishness or fan service; the series is just a comedy and its harmless fun. The show's formula turns out to be just that: its a series of episodes about the goofy adventures of a set of school girls trying to get through high school, dealing with interesting (and somewhat crazy) teachers, hard exams, hangouts, summer and winter breaks, and school events.

The collection of personalities is what makes this series special: from the cute yet brilliant Chiyo, next the eccentric and crazy Tomo, then you have the hopeless air-head Osaka, to the shy yet sensitive Sakaki-san, this is a show that lets you have fun in following not just their zany adventures, but their interesting personalities and their character development. Since the show is not really story driven because its intended to be a day by day life progression, the beauty of the anime is the character development. Each girl has their own unique personality to behold while they have a set of goals that lay before them, and each personal adventure you watch them go through unfolds their character before you. Its brilliant.

The humor is hilarious and subtle at the same time, so there's something for everyone, and another aspect of the show worth savoring is the wonderful cultural education you receive about Japan. I've learned a little more about Japanese school life thanks to this series, and Japanese life in general, from language nuances to cultural mores, to traditions.

Overall, this is a fun anime for those who are not seeking something serious or story driven, just fun, and at times, mindless entertainment that also makes you cheer for these young ones as they go through high school. My only gripe would be that sometimes there are some instances where the episode is a little weird and inexplicable, but as a whole, this is one of the most interesting and neat animes I have seen in a long time. Trust me, you'll get hooked after the first episode.
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