Torque (2004)
2 August 2006
One can't expect much about an action movie with bikers, criminals and violence. But even with my lowered expectations, I was amazed by how bad this "movie" was. The film wasn't remotely believable in any way, shape or form. PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE is more believable about the subject of UFOs than this movie is about biker criminals. So some say it's just a B-movie, hmm. Well, it's more like a grade Z movie.

The cinematography was so off putting that I couldn't watch parts of it, having to look away from the extreme garishness seen on my beautiful TV screen. The actors were, huh, well, what actors? The script? Ah! The music...nevermind. Anyway, there's nothing worth writing about TORQUE. It's so bad it makes FAST & FURIOUS look like 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY.

This movie is a complete Torquey!
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