Caged Women (1980)
Gorgeous Brigitte Lahaie!
3 August 2006
This review is of the German DVD from ABC, from their "Erotic Classics" series. (and coming from someone who has a strong dislike for porn films!) I began watching "Gefangene Frauen" (Caged Women) with absolutely no expectations. I was surprised to find that, for what it is, it delivers what it promises, and what one would expect from this genre of film. The simplistic story deals with a group of girls being kidnapped by soldiers, from a whorehouse, of all places. The girls are taken to a mysterious prison located on a beautiful island. Of course this is all an excuse to show a lot of sex and nudity. but the production values, cinematography, and style make this one stand out among so many films of this kind. First of all, it features a collection of truly gorgeous women, with the most perfect bodies you could ever hope to find in adult film. Brigitte Lahaie, here in her prime, has the most perfect, gorgeous body and face I have ever seen! And she is almost upstaged (but not quite) by the other ravishing prisoners of "Red Island." The sets are also impressive; the prison, a white, sun-drenched structure surrounded by blue waters, supposedly shark-infested, to keep the girls from escaping, is quite aesthetically appealing. Another set worth mentioning, is a bath, located in the "President's" suite; A large oyster shell, ornate gold and red, that has to be seen to be appreciated. This attention to detail I believe is important, as they lend the film a sense of legitimacy, and dare I say...class.. The uniform of the head female prison "kommandant", black leather Gestapo-style, with matching leather cap, should be appealing to S&M fetishists. Even the men are handsome, with healthy, athletic bodies. This is somewhat rare in sex films; usually great care is put into finding attractive actresses, but the men are usually just thrown in, and they mostly are very ordinary, or just plain unattractive. I guess it is the male fantasy thing, where ugly men can possess the most beautiful women. But not here, on the island where most everyone is pleasing to look at. And it is all easy to take as well, as the women are never abused, or truly hurt. They actually seem to be enjoying the whole experience! Aside from a scene early on in the picture, where a young girl is raped by a soldier, there are no other scenes of forced sex. the idea here is that women can enjoy sex as much as men. the girls look forward to the nightly visits from the prison guards, and they give themselves freely. In their situation, they don't have to act like they hate sex. There is even the perverted "doctor" who spends much of his time clipping the heads of of nude girls in magazines, when he is not "examining" the prisoners. But I didn't find it sexist, for some reason. It was all too silly to be sexist, or offensive. And the men are also on display here. The film plays a bit like a low-rent "Story of O", without the strong violence, but with more graphic sex. For the German DVD, I was surprised at the great care taken to restore this strange 1980 erotic film. The anamorphic picture was absolutely beautiful, top quality, as was the audio. There is a choice between the original German audio, which seems to be dubbed as well, or a hilarious English dubbed track. I think that many of these films were originally shot without any sound, with voices added later. At least that is how it appears. Included as well are some good trailers for other erotic films form this time. This also claims to be an uncut print, with a running time of 89 minutes PAL, or about 94 minutes NTSC! Very rare indeed. It is hard to classify the film as hardcore, or soft core; There are many closeup shots of the female genitalia, with a lot of graphic masturbation included, that would be considered way too explicit for late-night cable. However there are no scenes of male to female sexual intercourse. It is all obviously simulated, as the men lie with the women, but never have erections. ( I wonder how they manage...) I'm actually glad of this as I wouldn't want to see the gorgeous Brigitte Lahaie debased in such a way. Being a nude model is a far cry from having actual sex on camera, and that would have brought this movie to a lower level that I wouldn't really want to watch, much less review. I think that kind of porn is ugly, however there is enough pretty images in "Gefangene Frauen" to recommend to fans of this genre. Directed incidentally by the notorious Erwin Dietrich. If interested, try to locate the German DVD from ABC, as the UK release seems to have 9 minutes of footage cut from it. I must say that after seeing this film I am an immediate fan of Brigitte Lahaie, and would love to see more of her work. "Gefangene Frauen" is a fun, and very sexy viewing experience, without being too sleazy or offensive!
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