6 August 2006
As an avid fan of all genres of movies and an employee of a local movie store, I treat every new release with the same regard before previewing them. I like to give every movie the benefit of the doubt because I know every customer has a different taste on movies. When I am asked to recommend movies to customers, I will ask them their likes and dislikes and try to match their likes to a movie that would suit them, even if it was a movie I found lacking.

That being said, I would not recommend "Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector" to ANYONE. Even those customers who enjoy low brow humor would find this "movie's" antics unfunny and disgusting. High brow comedy lovers would find it intolerable. Low brow comedy lovers would find it too over the top trying to be funny. "Rednecks" should be offended by it. Of all the different types of customers I have encountered during my time at the movie store, I cannot think of one who would enjoy this type of "movie." I watched the first 10-15 minutes of the "movie" and had to shut it off. It is the first time I have ever turned off a movie simply because it was that bad of a movie. I made it through other such notable movies: "Jackass: The Movie," "Gigli," "Date Movie," and the "Scary Movie" series without turning off the television in disgust. I tried turning it back on and watching it and it only got worse. At no point does it redeem itself!

Take my advice. Save your money on this movie. See if the video store has "White Coats" or "The Matador" for some good off beat humor. Don't lower yourself to such a level. Maybe if people don't rent or buy it, "movies" like this will stop being made!
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