One Of The Best British Movies Ever Made
4 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"There are no actual spoilers in this however there are things that may give you an idea of the outcome"

A persons opinion of a movie is a personal thing and the mark of a really good movie is when you don't know anyone who has a bad word to say about it, this is the case with dead man's shoes and every one i know who's seen it.

As for my take on shane meadows haunting and disturbing revenge movie, i think its one of the best British movies ever made in fact i'd go as far as to say its one of the greatest movies i've ever seen.

The acting from most of the villains doesn't seem to be acting it has a realistic feel that makes you think there just normal British lads who have been told to "be themselves if they where in that situation"

Paddy Considine is amazing as the lead character richard. He shows a range of emotions from scary to selfless. At one point in the movie he makes you feel as if he's the hardest man in the world when you see it you'll know what scene i'm talking about and yet no punch's are thrown and no blood is spilt!

This movie is real, gritty, violent, moving and yet with all those elements still manges to to be engrosing and unconfused the story flows.

The relationship between richard and his disabled/slow (trying to be pc here) brother is beautiful yet climaticly sad. Its hard to say much else without giving anything away including the "dont seee it coming twist" so i'll stop the review here with just a few more words.

If you have'nt seen it watch it you wont be disappointed!
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