Air Bud: Spikes Back (2003 Video)
Cute, funny, inspiring
8 August 2006
Andrea and Tammy are best friends. But now that school is out for the summer, Tammy is moving from Fernfield to San Diego, and both girls are SOOOO sad. Andrea vows to earn enough money for a plane ticket to see her best friend.

A large diamond is being delivered to the Fernfield museum to be put on display. The plumbers who are there to fix the toilet are not plumbers, and I doubt seriously that these morons could fix anything. They are there to steal the diamond. One problem: the diamond is guarded by laser beams worthy of "Mission: Impossible". There is a heating vent that leads right to the diamond, but it's too small for them. Maybe they could get a child to steal the diamond. Or a dog. When they see Buddy perform in a canine obstacle course competition, they know what they have to do. They have to kidnap Buddy!

Andrea figures out how to earn money. Her father is a vet and she is so good with the animals at his office. She can be a pet sitter. Of course, that's harder than it looks.

Another possibility: Connor moves into Tammy's old house. He used to play beach volleyball, and, yes, Fernfield has a league, but the team is not very good. For one thing, the coach is so dumb he makes the jewel thieves look like they could pull off The Italian Job. (Okay, I was exaggerating. No one could make those guys look smart.) If by some miracle (Buddy, perhaps?) the team wins the league championship, they get a trip to see Gabrielle Reece and other professionals in California. So Andrea joins the team along with Connor.

Andrea's parents go to a convention, and Grandma is left in charge along with her annoying parrot and lack of ability in the kitchen.

This movie had nothing that would make it inappropriate for children, which is a good thing because only children would watch it. Or perhaps adult Lizzie McGuire fans. Of which I am one. Andrea is almost as adorable as Lizzie (and she gets it from her mom). Her annoying little brother Noah is no Matt, but he seems like a real kid rather than a Hollywood version. Connor is not exactly Gordo, who had brains rather than athletic ability, but maybe he'll appeal to teenage girls.

I don't like dogs but how could anyone not like Buddy? The canine actor (actors?) is so talented in so many ways. But there was one unbelievable scene which would have been easy enough for an accomplished trainer, but come on! Dumb and Dumber could NOT have done that.

Pat Cranshaw was still going strong when this was made, which is hard to believe since he was ancient 20 years ago. He still had the same charm. And there was another sequel! I found this out looking to see when he died. Apparently it was his last movie.

The bumbling idiot jewel thieves are quite funny. And then there is the one man who stood between them and the diamond, the fat and lazy but friendly security guard Phil (hence the need for lasers).

There is plenty of comedy here, physical and otherwise, and several enjoyable but implausible plot lines.

It's a fun movie if you aren't looking for quality.
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