Death Ride (2006)
I want my money back . . .
8 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is an obviously low budget film that looks like it was made out of somebody's garage. The film has very stiff and emotionless actors who don't help matters by having horrible timing with their lines.

There doesn't seem to be much reason for anything that is happening in the plot. Yumi is this model, who ends up sleeping with Greg, the photographer, (and has a hard time with English). Eventually we gather that his wife has found out about her. Greg and his wife get into a shoving match over her within the first 5 minutes of the film and she falls, cracking her skull open. After cleaning up the blood and packing up her body, Greg sees a woman's reflection in the mirror. Spooked, he takes off to Black Lake. The flashbacks wherein I guess they were trying to portray his 'Love' for both women are all corny lines and makeout scenes. The next hour is Greg driving, Greg sweating, Greg smoking, Greg hearing things. Eventually there is a very out of place scene involving a man flashing his lights just to reach through the window and grab Greg's shirt and ask if he's feeling alright. There is NO need for this scene and I don't know anyone who would flash their lights at a car just to do this, nor do I know anyone who would lower their window more than a crack to talk to a creepy looking stranger. It's un-needed, un-realistic and unpractical moments like this that really sink this film.

If there is a good part to this movie, it's in the last 30 minutes, when the hauntings get semi acceptable. The two best are probably when Yumi, in a manner similar to 'The Ring's Samara, climbs up the driver's side window while the car is going 80mph. The other scene is when there is knocking from the trunk, he slams the brakes and the trunk opens and closes, then blood pours over the windows and the dead body flops it's un-shrouded head on the windshield.

The tagline may mention the occult and gruesome hauntings, but there is no such thing in this film. It's mainly Greg's paranoid trip to the lake to dump his wife's body. There are a few mundane threats, such as the cop who pulls him over for speeding. In the end, Greg's psychosis does him in when he throttles Yumi, thinking that she was the woman he saw in the mirror and that she "knows too much". He cuts her body up with a chain saw (behind closed doors). He's caught when two police men come to the door and instead of two men, he sees the ghosts of both women.

All in all, this was a bad movie, but would have made a nice episode of 'Tales from the Crypt' or some other ghost-story/urban legend TV show.
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