Greatest Baseball Movie Ever
9 August 2006
"Billy, this ain't your day," so said Detroit Tiger catcher Gus Sinski, played by John C. Reilly, to his pitcher Billy Chapel, played by Kevin Costner, in the visitors dressing room of Yankee Stadium while getting ready to play the last game of a losing season. Billy has just been informed by the team owner that he has sold it to a corporate group who intend to trade Billy to the New York Giants. To add to his problems his long time girlfriend Jane Aubrey, played by the beautiful Kelly Preston, told him she is breaking up with him and is taking a job in London.

Billy is devastated by these events but takes the field to play what may be his last game. In spite of a sore shoulder he throws the ball harder than usual and reminisces about events leading up to this day. In flashbacks we see him meeting Jane as he stops to offer help when her car breaks down, and the growth of their relationship through the next five years.

This movie has something for everyone. It is a great baseball story as well as the story of a great love. I give it a 10/10 and highly recommend it for all audiences.
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