This generations pearl harbor
11 August 2006
September 11th, 2001 was a day that none of us would ever forget. Many were offended by Oliver Stone recreating the events of that infamous day because it was considered too early. Personally whether it's 5 years or 50 years the pain of September 11th will always be there. People are still missing, families are still torn apart, what we can do is to honor these people by remembering them and what happened. The movie doesn't focus on the brutality of what happened but rather the unwaivering bravery of those who chose to put themselves in harms way. Though not overly graphic the story is rather heart wrenching, it follows 2 Port Authority Police Officers whom were one of the first authorities on scene. One is a rookie cop by the name of Will Jimeno and long timer Seargent John Mcloughlin. What these two witnessed is truly unexplainable, being trapped 20+feet below ground zero. The movie constantly cuts back in forth between them and their familes, some may find it rather irritating at times but what I believe Oliver Stone was trying to show us was the damage done that day wasn't merely physical. The emotional damage was just as twisted and crushed as ground zero was. What I found inspirational was some of the emergency rescuers were posed a question about their own safety of being down there and that the structure could come down on them at anytime, without hesitation they answered they were ready to give their life to save anothers. Depsite the first immediate reaction when people hear "World Trade Center" it really wasn't about death, but rather life. Overall the movie is amazing, not once did I ever doubt any of these actors. To me Maggie Gyllenhal shines in her role as Mrs. Jimeno. She embodies all the wifes, mothers, sisters, aunts that lost their relatives that day. This a great tribute to those who were lost, but more importantly to celebrate the power of life, love and hope. Watch this movie.


and that's the final word.
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