Painfully slow and boring
12 August 2006
This is the story of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, an Indian mystic who teaches about love and peace and helps the poor and downtrodden. Well not so so much a story but a meditation on her and her work. It is filled with some of the most beautiful photography I have seen in a long time and nicely brings us to a particular place that is alien to most of the world. The film is also painfully dull and boring.

Call me unbeliever or a person with no attention span but this film had me nodding off ten minutes in. I learned nothing I didn't already know from brief TV exposes on the same woman. What am I suppose to get out of this film? That she is a nice person healing the sick and giving hope to the broken? I knew that going in. I wanted a sense of her as a human being (or since some say she is not human a reason to believe otherwise) , instead I got nice scenery and people gushing about this wonderful person who made a deep difference in their lives. Thats nice but how is that going to help me? I don't have a clue. Nothing in this film made me feel anything other than if I wanted a nap I could have saved the admission price and stayed home.

Don't get me wrong I do like films that are essentially meditations, Werner Herzog's Wheel of Time springs to mind, but where Herzog engaged your spirit he also engaged your mind and made you think as well as feel. That never happened here.

If you want to see some beautiful scenes of India see this movie. If you want to be enlightened spiritually or otherwise look elsewhere.
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