Review of Hyperdrive

Hyperdrive (2006–2007)
"Be your best"
14 August 2006
Saw only the last two episodes of this spoof of Star Wars. Nick Frost leads a strong ensemble, with great support from Kevin Eldon (lovingly enlarging on his obsessive cleaner character from "Black Books") and from Miranda Hart as the supportive and consoling lieutenant. ("Teal, can you take your hand away from there, please.")

HMS Camden Lock (non-London readers please note: Camden Lock is a vaguely hippie crafts and fast food market in north London) is on a mission to protect British interests "in an ever- changing galaxy". And it's crewed by as unlikely a crowd of misfits as you could imagine. When the warship strays into forbidden space and is fired on by automatic defences, there is no one on the bridge: they are all taking psychological tests. (Henderson, hearing gunfire: "I know what you're doing. You're trying to see if I can think under stress.")

The gags and timing are mercilessly exact. It stands up to many viewings; the punchlines have become part of our lives. Can't wait toget hold of a DVD.

"Be your best."
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