Human Touch (2004)
15 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie could have better sound,light,music,acting,dialogue and music.And anything else that I missed including photography.

*******CONTAINS SPOILERS*************** Anna (Jacqueline McKenzie) gets picked by this old geeza as she sings in her choirs,who want to go to china to sing but don't have the airfare.Why pick her with the line "you have a good voice.Give me a call if you want me to do anything for you."Of course you know what that means. He will pay for the airfares as long as she poses naked for him.Having seen the photos,they are bad,taken with a digital cam,and printed on ordinary paper.Anyone with a digital cam can do that to a flat chested Anna.

Once in a while some takes a tray of drink to someone.Old geeza takes more photo.Bad sound,like in daytime soap.You can hear everything,like creaks footsteps,things that shouldn't make noise unless they mean something,or trying to get your attention to it.

Anna tells her boyfriend and shows him the picture.He is an artist,and a bad one at that.He gets jealous.How dare he.She has hang up from her ex husband not trusting her.But how dare he.Shes not doing anything wrong.So she sees a shrink.He says she is depressed.Annas boyfriend sees the same shrink,who says he is also depressed.BTW,the shrink,he quotes Confusious.Very confusing.For Western Psychiatry.

The old geeza has lots of money.He has a wife,throw in a senile mother, father and a token Indian as the nurse.

Anna boyfriend wants to grope her.Buts its not her problem he is horny.The old geezas mum gropes Anna.Old geezas wife gropes Anna.

So Anna and boyfriend decide to go to France to sort things out.Get this,by taking a vow of silence.They stay and the old geezas place.Of course he paid for the trip.So they are in France.Some people speak french,but no sub title to tell the audience what was said.So it couldn't have been important.Why put it in.

She wants to make out and so they do.Then she lays one on him.The old geeza wanted to touch her.He kissed her all over,because he was impotent(more on this later).Anna boyfriend gets upset.How dare he!Anna feels alive now that the old geeza has kissed her.She knows herself.She is in her 30s for god sake.And it had to be the kissed from the OG.She is revitalised.And how dare he react that way! She finally gets groped by some french dude.Almost raped.

This OG has his own hangups.He was not touched enough.He is a lousy photographer.And he used to take pictures of his naked mother.Now this would make me impotant too.

The acting is so wooden,and the lighing.Please buy a reading lamp and light it upwards.Put some tinge/hue.Make it blue.And a lot of gaps of doing nothing.Dead air.Could have paced it slower.Once and too many time the movie cuts into 8MM home movie jerky shots.Don't know why.Could be a dream or thinking situation.Some unnecessary nudity that could have been done as a suggestion.Unerotic.And add some useless art,funded by Australian taxpayers.

And ,Australia,you paid for this crap too that we could have gone without.There is no point to this film.Hope you can get something out of this movie.I watched The Weatherman the same day,and that is way too superior.

Confusious say.Avoid this.
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