The Good Life: Mr. Fix-It (1975)
Season 2, Episode 3
The Goods court celebrity
19 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Tom and Barbara seem to have made a name for themselves. Their unconventional lifestyle and behaviour seem to be the talk of the borough.

When this talk reaches the ears of Mr Coles, a freelance journalist, he believes Tom and Barbara would be the ideal subject for an in-depth article and sets out to interview them.

With Margo on the prowl however, things do not go according to plan, as she tries her hardest to cash in on The Good's fame. She invades the interview and tries to plug her music societies up and coming performance of The Sound of Music, her support of Tom and Barbara and of course her 'executive' husband 'Jeremy'.

Things seem to be on an upward turn when Mr. Coles announces The Good's article has been sold and will be appearing in 'The Observer'.

Jerry quickly jumps on the bandwagon and using the fact that The Good's will be appearing in the national press, markets The Goods to every available retail outlet with the aim of acquiring free stock and equipment for them...and a 'little' something extra for him by way of commission.

Margo also tries to push her way into the higher ranks of the music society, by explaining that she has secured an advertisement for their performance in The Observer newspaper.

But has Jerry and Margo acted too quickly and is this just another best laid plan destined to go so wrong?
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