The program is what's important!
20 August 2006
I am writing in response to the idiot who referred to this movie as "the worst drama they had seen in a long time". Please do correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the purpose of this movie was to give the viewer a strong sense of how important the program "no more victims" was and is still today. This "IDIOT" seems to be more of a "movie critic" and less of a "movie goer". I was sickened by the fact that this idiot placed more value on how the movie was delivered and less value on its true meaning. I was extremely moved by the outstanding work of Marilyn Gambrell. I sincerely applaud her efforts and passion for this program. I was truly touched by her dedication and ability to identify with our growing problems in todays world which is a vicious cycle that will never end unless people like Ms. Gambrell take a stand and help our youth who would not ordinarily seek help when needed. I work in a similar field with children who are victims of substance abuse and I know beyond a shadow of doubt that this is definitely a vicious cycle that will never end. I have always wanted to work with a program similar to Ms.Gambrell's within my own community, and I know by the grace of God one day I will. I am so disappointed that this idiot was more interested in the delivery of the movie's characters rather than the overall purpose of the program being delivered. It's such ashame!!! Even so, I genuinely enjoyed the movie and hope that the program continues to flourish. Smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uniquely, Kim W. Lockley Child Development Specialist
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