The Chase (1946)
Runs Out Of Gas
21 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this DVD strictly on the name of second-billed Michele Morgan, though it did no harm that Peter Lorre and Lloyd Corrigan were also featured. Given the starting-off point, a Cornell Woollrich novel, twists and unlikely situations are par for the course - how many gangsters, for example, even CARRY a wallet, let alone one with their name and address inside, and even if they DID, how many would drop it on the sidewalk outside a greasy spoon? You can count the number on the fingers of one thumb. But, it's a movie, right, so Steve Cochran obligingly drops his wallet UNDER the foot of Robert Cummings who, natch, doesn't have change of a match. Returning it he is offered a job as chauffeur by Cochran and within about 24 hours is planning to take it on the lam with Cochran's wife, Michele Morgan. I can't fault his taste but how come, after being in the job for about a week tops he suddenly has enough clothes to fill a suitcase when he arrived just in what he stood up in. If things like this don't bother you chances are you'll enjoy this one, twists and all, if not ...
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