The Good Life: Anniversary (1977)
Season 4, Episode 7
Is this the end of Tom and Barbara's Good Life.
21 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In this, the very last episode of the series proper, Tom and Barbara's troubles are just beginning.

Its Tom's 42nd Birthday and exactly two years since their bid for self sufficiency began. Now their garden is completely ruined because of their oil leak, The goat has refused to yield any milk and Tom discovers that they have mice in their storeroom slowly eating away through their food supply.

Jerry and Margo are also down on their luck as on 'Sirs' last day he takes Snetterton to dinner, which can only be construed as one thing, Jerry has not got the job as 'Sirs' successor.

In a bittersweet ending to the series however 'Sir' arrives to tell Jerry that the dinner with Snetterton was just to tell him in the nicest way possible that Jerry was to take his place.

However in the midst of celebration, they all adjourn to Tom and Barbara's to find the deepest cut of all, their house has been burgled and vandalised.

Jerry offers Tom his old job back at least until he can get back on his feet, but despite all, Tom refuses and stands by the way of life that has gone so wrong for him of late, but had provided us, the viewer with three years and twenty eight episodes of classic comedy and entertainment.

The last line being so poignant was I'm sure intended to be the last ever line of the last ever Good Life. Toasting to Jerrys success and Tom and Barbara's indomitable spirit, Tom announces 'Heres to The Good Life'

All we can say is Here here.
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