Tamil Cinema Reaching new heights .. Bollywood you got so much to learn from this film
25 August 2006
First of let me talk about the positives in this movie : The movie was totally awesome ... technically .. Its a very different approach followed by the director .. We could definitely say with pride that Gautam has taken Indian cinema to new heights ... ! The story narration was beautiful though it did not have a very strong plot ... Thanks to Hollywood ... Tamil Cinema is reaching new dimensions ... Especially the opening 15 minutes and the scene where the killer talks with Kamal in midst of vendetta .. Just too good ! Kudos to the director .. the real hero ! Though he is not commendable in the plot, as in Kaakha Kaakha, he wanted to prove a point here ... and he does it in style ... Cheers Last but not the least ... The pride of Indian cinema .. Dr Kamal Haasan .... Does a powerful role with so much of ease ... Yet another movie of his to be remembered ..

Now coming to the negatives: Though the director succeeds in a certain way .. he lets you down at certain scenes which are so Indian ... Especially.. When the hero does things out of nowhere and categorizes them as "Raghavan Instincts" .. the scene where the killers escape from the airport .. and the usual coincidence where the killers meets the hero and his girl within minutes he reaches a new city ..

Our heroes which includes Kamal .. For their lack of body maintenance .. (Got to reduce the protruding tummy) Though these are negatives, they just go vanishing because of the style in which things are told ! In a nut shell .. Its a delight to watch this film !
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