Review of Gun

Gun (2005 Video Game)
competently made and reasonably fun while it lasts, but too short
26 August 2006
Anyone who has seen their fair share of Westerns will know everything that's going to happen in the game plot-wise and even when it's gong to happen. However the game's still fun to play (while it lasts, as it's on the short side. It's also the smallest 'sandbox' type game I've played. 'sandbox' being a go almost anywhere right from the start type of game akin to GTA, True Crime, Saint's Row, Etc...etc.. While the longevity and small nature of the game might be detrimental to this game, the great musical score and brilliant voice acting make it worth playing. The 360 version, of which i rented, is much more of a direct port and certainly didn't take hold of the massive potential that the system is clearly capable of. And the achievements which require you to play through the entire game no less then 4 times (??!!?) can grow quite tiresome indeed. But since I did get 1000/1000 it's still pretty doable.

Positives: Voice acting, story, musical score

Negatives: short, small area to explore

My Grade: C

My current 360 Gamerscore: 32822 out of a possible 49760
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