Review of Live Feed

Live Feed (2006)
Damn, I Wanted To Love This Film...
27 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It almost hurts me to have to write this review - I REALLY hoped that LIVE FEED was going to be THE "underground" film to watch for this year, and have been anxiously awaiting a view. Well - I got ahold of the unrated screener, and I have to say that I was disappointed. I really dug director Ryan Nicholson's twisted rape/revenge film TORCHED - as the performances were good, the gore was hot-and-heavy, and the subject-matter and film as a whole had a dark and twisted feel to it. LIVE FEED fails on pretty much all those levels. I was hoping for a nihilistic gore-fest and instead witnessed a disjointed mish-mash of genre stylings with a few decent moments...

Five tourists on holiday in Asia make a big mistake when one of the group insults a mob Boss while hanging out at a bar. A local guy tries to smooth things over but the Boss and his gang aren't so easily appeased. Things go from bad to worse for the group of travelers when the gang of thugs trap them inside a seedy porno theater and decide to show them a little Asian "hospitality"...

Good points - there are some decent gore scenes, and the beginning has a good bit of relatively explicit nudity. The over-the-top performances by the Asian mob Boss and the character of the bugged-out looking porno theater doorman were enjoyable. Unfortunately, that's about it as far as the good stuff. The acting by virtually everyone else is pretty weak, and the film feels disjointed and "confused", as though Nicholson didn't quite know what sort of film he wanted to make. Overall, LIVE FEED felt too campy for my taste, and I was hoping for something "darker" and more nihilistic. It's not a horrible film by any means, and is relatively entertaining - it just didn't feel like anything truly noteworthy to me. I still think Nicholson has a ton of potential, and just hope that GUTTERBALLS turns out better...6/10
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