The Godfather of Green Bay
27 August 2006
Eeic "F-ing" Price! How the hell are ya? Long time no talk, as a matter of fact, long time no see.Looks like life & Hollywood did you well! I can't wait to see you, and see you in more movies!!!! I also got to see your "Pop Lockin for cancer on Reno 911!" FUNNIEST STUFF I EVER SAW, except in high school when the teachers said being a class clown wouldn't get you anywhere, and with out skipping a beat you would go right into that whitest of whites voice's only you can do any where. like you did at the end of your skit on Reno 911! You proved them wrong!!! The white studious voice you did at the end of that sense was amazing, JUST LIKE IN HIGH SCHOOL WHEN YOU WOULD GET INTROUBLE. you would go to that voice!!! PISHA on all those who thought you couldn't make it!! How do I get a copy of "The Godfather of Green Bay" movie? I SO HAVE TO SEE IT!! Can't wait until the Reno 911 movie comes out!! I'M SO THERE!!!! Give me an instant message on yahoo Denise_N_Jason_1988 MSN is our e mail address which is oncelost@wi.rr.com.

Denise Manke (Melanie Koser's old best friend, and H.J.'S ex girlfriend, in case you don't remember me, but I bet you do!)
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