Vanished: The Tunnel (2006)
Season 1, Episode 2
So far, so good
29 August 2006
After seeing the first episode, I was at best, skeptical. Things were fast paced, and rushed, and well, many of the actors seemed out of place, especially Gale Harold.

Not so with "The Tunnel". Having just seen it hours ago, I must say, it is definite proof that this series is headed in a definitely good direction. Combine 24 and CSI and you easily have Vanished.

This series is definitely worth a watch, and hopefully, with enough viewers, Vanished will remain off the cutting block (scuzzlebutt has it that the first episode placed first for its time slot while the repeat placed second overall!). Its an amazing show, and the worst thing that could happen is it not getting picked up after the first half dozen episodes. The previous reviewer gave a good job of outlining the episode, so that's enough said in that regard.
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