Sad, should of made a Nightstalkers TV show and left Blade alone.
31 August 2006
Sad, should of made a Nightstalkers TV show and left Blade alone

Kirk Jones is just wrong wrong wrong for this part...

Not in the least convincing as Blade, he cannot act at all. He seems to be trying to do a Wesley Snipes imitation and he's doing it badly. He also could benefit from voice and acting lessons. Mr. Jones obviously has no real martial arts training or skill, having studied and multiple forms it is very easy to spot a fake. The Blade character seems secondary to the series and sometimes seems like filler for episodes... The script, stories and dialog need serious tweaking and the show seems to be a Buffy/Angel wannabe knockoff. The character of Whistler is no where to be found and I do not see the audience accepting another actor in this role that Kris Kristofferson defined so well.

I'm done complaining.

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