Maiden Voyage (2004 TV Movie)
Time filler
1 September 2006
The boat stayed afloat - but the movie sank. I feared the worst when I saw the opening credits... It probably is as awful as the others have said, but it was VERY late at night and I watched on TV as I lay comfortably in bed - the best thing I could find at the time! (Which tells you how appalling the competition must have been)Yes it creaked, was as weak as all get-out but it filled the time and I smiled at some of the dreadful moments of which there was no shortage. When luxury cruise liners operating out of the States are virtual cities with every luxury on board, I did wonder throughout why anybody would pay good money to go on this rusting old tub! Not a decent surface in sight! The "lounge" was so tiny it was ludicrous. It made twelve people "a crowd". It must be the world's only cruise liner without a swimming pool. The aerial shots revealed it to be a stumpy, ugly old vessel looking suspiciously like a superannuated ferry. (And as is pointed out above -it apparently WAS.) Fortunately I'm not THAT familiar with Kiwiland to have recognised any landmarks so I was spared that pain. It seems the NZ taxpayers there didn't get away so painlessly. It was so bad it was good! Casper van den Bierg is decorative. I'd never seen him before! He really must have NEEDED the work.
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