Exactly what it was supposed to be, and well-done.
2 September 2006
This was billed as a typical teenage sex comedy, only gay. And it was! The humor was raunchy and tacky, the plot predictable, and the movie was full of teenage stereotypes acting out the cliché'd summer movie genre full-force.

I was surprised at how really well done it was. The production values were high, and it pretty much followed the American Pie story-line, but with gay characters (all supposedly teenagers, though they stretched in a couple of cases) and gay situations. It was hilarious and couldn't possibly have been made ten years ago. The only sad part is that it's unrated, so lbgt teenagers won't have the chance to see it.

I suspect this movie's rating will reflect not the movie, itself, but the relative eagerness of gays/homophobes to cast their votes as 10 or 1.
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