Get Some In! (1975–1978)
"There's Only One Way To Get Out And That's To..."
5 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
John Esmonde and Bob Larbey's 'Get Some In' was one of several military-themed sitcoms inspired by the success of 'Dad's Army'. The main difference being that while the latter was about old men training for combat, the former concerned young men ( teddy boy Jakey, vicar's son Lilley, academic Ken, and Scot Leckie ) conscripted into the R.A.F. in '50's Britain.

As someone too young to have experienced National Service, I shuddered at the horrors the conscripts were forced to endure, such as having their boots nailed to the floor ( whilst in them ), cleaning the latrines and made to go on exhausting, cross-country hikes. As well as being verbally abused by Corporal Marsh, one of the most frightening characters to ever appear in a sitcom.

'Get Some In' had the ring of truth about it. I expect the reason why it has never been repeated is because of Marsh's homophobic and bigoted attitudes. Ken isn't gay, but Marsh treats him as though he is, while Leckie is so fed up of the Corporal's constant derogatory references to his nationality he even contemplates suicide. Impossible to imagine these things happening in a modern sitcom.

But the lads occasionally got their own back. In one episode, Marsh has been stealing coal from the barracks, leaving the conscripts to freeze in the middle of winter, so Leckie coats the anthracite with oil from the armoury. When Marsh next tries to make a fire, the grate blows up in his face. In another, Jakey sabotages one of the supports on Marsh's caravan, causing it to collapse when Marsh climbs into bed with his wife.

So popular was the show that when Thames Television announced its cancellation, 'The News Of The World' started a campaign for its return. It was successful; unfortunately, it came back without Robert Lindsay, who had left to take up the role of 'Wolfie' in the B.B.C.'s brilliant 'Citizen Smith'. Future 'Brush Strokes' star Karl Howman replaced him. Talented though he is, Karl just wasn't 'Jakey', and the show suffered as a result.

Even so, 'Get Some In!' remains one of I.T.V.'s best '70's sitcoms, and a D.V.D. release is long overdue.
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