Halo meets doom meets tomb raider meets wait wait this game is one of its own kind
5 September 2006
Although I play all the games but I usually like the RTS games and puzzle games mostly because I am a pc gamer. I rarely like any action game and especially first person shooter or FPS but this game changed my opinion on FPS forever this game is mother of all action games with great action and ultra high graphics, real voices and amazing sound effects this game proves itself as one of the best game of the year in all the categories.

This game is not based on the movie but actually this game showed that how he escaped from the prison and got the ability to see in the dark. So in a way you will get to understand Riddick's life.

Story 9/10

Graphics 10/10

Sound 10/10

Game play 10/10

Overall 10/10

Recommended to anyone who like a thing called "Video Games"
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