WWE Royal Rumble (2006 TV Special)
Solid PPV To Watch
6 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was a solid Royal Rumble PPV to begin with just like last year's Rumble as well.

WWE Cruiserweight Invitational Match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Gregory Helms vs. Funaki vs. Kid Kash vs. Paul London vs. Jamie Noble vs. Nunzio 6/10: Good match of course with the cruiser-weight all in the ring battling it out, you'll know that it is a good match. Gregory Helms wins after pinning Funaki to capture his first WWE Cruiserweight Championship.

Mickie James vs. Ashley Special guest referee: Trish Stratus 3/10: Most Diva matches are boring like this one. Mickie James wins after getting Ashley in a roll-up & using the ropes for leverage.

JBL vs. Boogeyman 4/10: Pretty boring & sloppy, but it had enough effort for a match. Boogeyman wins after a Pump-Handle like slam finisher.

Royal Rumble match 8/10: This is the match of the night which featured new wrestlers as well participated in the Rumble. Mysterio wins after eliminating Orton last.

WWE Championship Edge vs. John Cena 7/10: Good match, probably the second best match of the night, great to see John Cena win after making Edge tap out to the STFU to capture his WWE Championship back.

World Heavyweight Championship Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry 3/10: The worst match of the night & the worst main event ever. Angle wins after a chairshot on the head of Mark Henry then an Angle Slam.

Overall: Good PPV just like last year's, i'll give it 8/10 & B passable.
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