The Aimee Semple Mc Pherson I knew
16 September 2006
I have not seen this movie, and I would like to know where I can. The comments were very interesting, but I'm unable to evaluate it myself. I have read about her: the good and the bad, the truth and fiction, but I was fortunate to have heard and listened to her illustrated sermons at Angelus Temple, and sometimes had her as an instructor, while attending L.I.F.E. Bible College in Los Angeles. She was an inspiration to me and thousands of others. I remember in the early forties, when she had been absent from the pulpit due to a tropical disease she had contacted. I was seated in the balcony, when she entered and stood, before making her presence known. She appeared pale and held on to the back of a chair, but when the music began and she walked down the ramp to the platform, she seemed revived, as everyone stood and clapped, greeting the return of their Sister. As a human being, she may have made some mistakes, but the good she did far outweighs anything else. The success of the Foursquare organization today are the results of a farm girl from Canada, who dedicated her life to the Lord. I hope the film portrays the Aimee Semple McPherson I knew.
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