WWF No Mercy (II) (1999 TV Special)
Probably the best UK WWF/WWE event ever!
16 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I used to love UK events until I began to notice that they managed to get gradually worse over time. This is the a nice improvement over the 1998 Mayhem PPV which was average to say the least. There is one rule that must be observed in UK exclusive events however; the can be no major story twists or even developments... this PPV is meant only for exhibition.

One final note is that this PPV has its own narrative, much more than most PPV's, basically the dominance of an evil force against its enemies, culminating a deceive battle at the end.

Gillberg VS Tiger Ali Singh (winner)- 4/10 The opening match was the usual novelty. The Goldberg novelty is actually well done and this is probably the only ever match that is ended by a neck-breaker without outside interference. All in all a crap match saved by a comical gimmick.

The Brood VS Viscera and the Accoytes(winners)- 9/10 My favourite match on the card, though I could not help but notice that Edge is so lean here compared to the Rated R gimmick. The layout of the match is well thought out, the Brood do manage to keep to the concept of using speed to gain an edge. One thing is noticeable, the crowds is quiet, really quiet for the most part which is strange for a WWF/WWE event. This match is pretty much a traditional tag match with the smaller face isolated for most of it. Of course the desperately needed tag is made and all hell breaks loose. Mideon makes his in ring debut for the evening delivering a so so DDT to the outside, rolls him in for a convincing Clothesline from hell from Bradshaw.

Droz VS Steve Blackman(winner)- 5/10

This is a passable mid-card match with little to jump up and down for.

Kane(winner) VS Mideon 5/10

A lapse in the Mid-card was inevitable and this was it, Kane is faster and stronger than Mideon and it was only a matter of time before Mideon is seemingly beaten. The mass run in from the corporate ministry was predictable here, X-PAC comes in to save the day.

Nichol Bass(winner) VS Tori 7/10

Sable appears for her match but speaks of a bad cough that is keeping her from wrestling, in her place the female body builder Nicole Bass. This is the second gimmick match of the evening and is actually shorter, the choke slam was good but could have been better but good enough to get the job done.

X-PAC VS Shane McMahon(winner)8/10

An entertaining and possibly better rematch from Wrestlemania XV. The highlighs package before hand is very good and the match action is of a very nice pace. Shane was not know for in ring ability back then but it is clear that he has received a great deal of good training. Anyway, Triple H and Chyna get involved here and aid Shane in retaining the title.

Mankind VS Billy Gun(winner)- 7/10

Mankind was out earlier in the night basically brown nosing the audience, this was actually in my opinion to raise the popularity of Foley in order but make Billy Gunn less well liked, helping his heel turn. Moments before the match the Ministry of Darkness attack him and damage his leg. Of course Mankind fails to make it to the ring at first, Billy Gunn now tries to get the match thrown out and claim victory, further aiding his heel push. Mankind eventually makes it to the ring... and then out of it as the two battle outside the ring. As predicted this match is dominated by Gunn working the leg of Mankind. This never works however and Makind takes control even though it is now clear that Billy Gunn is the scheduled winner. The prediction is correct when Gunn hits the Fame-asser onto a chair for the victory.

Steve Austin (winner) VS Triple H VS The Undertaker- 8/10

This is the main event for the PPV, by the way I should mention that this match is no DQ (Austin will surely win now). I say Austin will win because back then the WWF would use the same match layout for every main event and this is not different. This fight begins on the ramp. Austin manages to hold his own against a unified Triple H and the Undertaker, amazingly these two tough men seem to be easily subdued during this part of the match. It takes a good few minutes for the match to get to the ring and the tide begins to turn on Austin. And what a surprise Undertaker and Triple H fall out (like that was never going to happen). So while those two fight each other Austin call rest up a little, of course based on my rule written at the start of this view Austin is the winner here so it is just a matter of time. And the time comes as the corporate ministry head to the ring followed by the disgruntled opponents from earlier. Undertaker disappears in the scuffle (in a similar fashion to the inaugural brawl at Invasion) and does not appear again. Tirple H and Austin are left, which means a stunner and a 'shock' victory against all of the odds. X-PAC joins Austin and Hebner in the ring and toast the victory.

All in all the best UK event since Summerslam 1992!
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