Very amusing, quite underrated
17 September 2006
I actually wasn't too sure about going to see this movie, because shyamalan's name to me actually doesn't mean it's a good movie. I found signs slow, boring and taking itself too seriously, and didn't even bother to go to the village because the trailer even made me feel bored. Not so with Lady in the Water though. It seems to me that this movie doesn't take itself as seriously as signs did, and as a result dares to be humorous. The characters are quite convincing, but at the same time they can be hilarious in their own subtle (or in some cases less subtle) ways. The story that is told, is entertaining, brought well, and doesn't become predictable at all (even though I did guess some things right halfway through the movie). If you go see this movie, don't go in expecting some dazzling plot (and certainly don't go overthinking it) or mindblowing action scenes, just sit back and enjoy the movie for what it is. I used to be one of the people that overanalyzed every movie but honestly, since I let that go, I can enjoy movies a lot more. If you can watch without prejudice, go see this movie, you'll thoroughly enjoy it. When I watched this movie, there weren't too many people in the cinema with me (which might also be because it was a 5 PM showing, not typically a crowded time), but of the people that were there a lot of them didn't immediately get up when the credits started, which is usually a sign that people were impressed with the movie (I know I was). I find this usually says something about the movie, which is why I'm mentioning it here.
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