The X-Files: Small Potatoes (1997)
Season 4, Episode 20
I was born a loser, but you're one by choice.
19 September 2006
If you want to see the best-acted episode of the x-files look no further than Small Potatoes. David Duchovny shows his true comedic ability throughout this episode. Duchovny plays Eddie Van Blundht playing Mulder so perfectly. Every one of his scenes as Eddie as Mulder are hilarious. Vince Gilligan, who penned this marvelous episode, reveals in the audio commentary that Duchovny ad-libbed many of the lines and mannerisms himself. He truly has a gift for comedy. Props also go to Gillian Anderson for playing a perfect straight(wo)man in this episode. Her playing it straight make the jokes all the funnier. Vince Gilligan also revealed in the commentary that a lot of the dialogue off screen was added through loop lines weeks later to spice up the dialogue. Which was also done quite effectively. The gag of Eddie being annoyed about the omission of the 'H' in his last name is quite funny, especially when the 'H' falls off his name on his house. Darin Morgan, who plays Van Blundht, was perfect for the part in his first "real" acting gig. Kudos again to Vince Gilligan in his first "humorous" episode. For me, this episode ranks second only to 'Bad Blood', also by Vince Gilligan. So, watch Small Potatoes, and treat yourself. I would if I were you.
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