Review of The Debut

The Debut (2000)
Best actor Derek Basco as the Filipino young "Malcolm X" & other kudos
23 September 2006
Great Debut film for Cajayon. Recommended esp. for teenagers and parents of Fil-Ams. Mix of WB & Filipino melodrama in style.

Derek Mercado was wonderful as the Filipino "Malcolm X" - type character of THE DEBUT film. He's very talented and I hope we get to see him in future roles that allows him to shine as an actor. His radical speeches balanced out the fluffy romance scenes. I loved the well written, passionated rants of the character telling of the past oppressions put upon the Filipino people, that many Fil-Ams and other Americans seemed to have forgotten.

THE DEBUT film showed Fil-Ams & Fils. as flawed, three-dimensional and redeeming characters instead of your typical stereotypical Filipinos. Many Fil/FilAm audience members seemed to be uncomfortable about this. I understand why: nobody likes to see people of their culture being portrayed as less than glamorous, like many of my relatives. However, as characters in a drama, i found them compelling. The two most interesting characters being the FOB (someone help me with his name & the actor's) and Edwin Mercado (played by Derek Basco).

Other highlights of THE DEBUT are the amazing performances by Filipino traditional dancers and musicians. These are first class performers in the community with high quality costume design. What rare and unexpected treat!

It's wonderful to Fil & Fil-Ams represented on film and inspiring to see the just as engaging behind-the-scenes special feature on the DVD. It really shows how some Filipinos really do not support the arts because of the stigma artists have in the Phils. (just like in the Philippines). It was disappointing that none of the hundred or so fine physicians of the Fil. community did not respond to his letters requesting financial support for the film. On the other hand the DVD special feature highlights the wonderful support from angels from the Filipino community such as blue collar workers to the Sony pictures exec. F. Friedman, as well as the audiences who attended screenings all over America during the film's tour.

I encourage Fil-Am doctors & nurses (like my relatives) to share the love and support the film arts! I will buy this for my mother for Christmas, and show my children when they are teens. Also, the accomplished Fil & Fil-Am artists should get the recognition they deserve just as the fine doctors of the same community do, ESPECIALLY since the Phil Am film wave is a young one. These filmmakers need to be nurtured and supported to thrive, grow and improve the quality of their pictures.

Hope to see more from Cajayon & Castro. Support Fil-Am & Fil film artists! Good luck to the filmmakers. We hope to see more from you in the future.

  • R. Brillantes
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