Dark Season (1991)
Well good... before the well bad
23 September 2006
This is the pinnacle of children's drama from the BBC... They wetted our 80's child appetites with 'Moondial' (actualy.. thats another pinnacle..but you know. peaks and troughs.. peaks and troughs) and then gave us incomprehensible (but genius) babble like 'Earthfasts' that one with the woman in the golden mask coming out of a burning Greek temple.. and then gave us this glorious piece of televisual extravagance.

'Dark Season' not only is two three part stories that are interconnected with an amazing plot twist (well amazing for a 10 year old), spooky BBC micro B computers, hockey sticks, a machine called Behmouth, green lighting, has a woman who looks like Norma Desmond in Sunset Blvd. and a man in shades who may have been from the band Bross (or that one form the really wild show with short hair... apparently he has nerve endings in it so cant get it cut very often.. well thats what my mate said at school).. but it also features Kate Winslet. Amazing.

well done BBC...... however you are not excused for the tragedies that followed.. 'Elidor'? 'Return of the Psamiad'? 'Kerching'???????? .. hang your heads in shame!
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