Review of Pilot

Men in Trees: Pilot (2006)
Season 1, Episode 1
lighten up, Alaskans!
25 September 2006
The only people who don't seem to like this show are those who've lived in Alaska — and their opinions are based on quibbles as to the 'reality' of the scripts. Come on, do you actually expect this to be 100% realistic? It's television, it's a comedy (or 'dramady', as they are saying these days), why not look past the plot devices to enjoy the fabulous cast and acting, refreshingly non-violent and funny situations, beautiful scenery, etc. etc.? This is light-hearted and fun, even New Yorkers are caricatured, not just Alaska. You could pick apart any show these days if you were a specialist in crime-prevention, medicine, suburban housewives... most shows condense the truth in some way.

One unique plus for 'Men in Trees' is that they are showing non-stereotypical male attitudes (bartender, for instance), which adds lots of potential. I look forward to seeing where they're going with this, keep this show around!

By the way, let's be fair, they did explain the skunk was 'way out of range', (possibly transported there?), that's why they were postering and trying to find it before winter sets in.
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