Down the hole
26 September 2006
Another slice of non-hilarity from this desperately unfunny series. This time there is a spy on the loose in the allied bunker, through a series of incidents, Frankie and his superior are thought to be guilty. In the end it turns out to be Welsh boffin, Talflyn Thomas, who is the nazi spy. Caught out by his very own plan to find the snooper. This makes no sense but then nothing much does in the plots of these shows....

If the spy devised some formula that when painted on secret plans would make the hands and fingers of anyone touching them, turn green, wouldn't he avoid touching them? Especially if he knew all about it from the very beginning? That just shows you how brain-dead this entire series is.

Now sexual innuendo and double entendres can be very amusing (see any Carry On film for prime examples) but they have to make some kind of reasonable sense. When at the very end of the show, Frankie sees that the hand of the sleeping Winston Churchill is also green, he gurns and makes a comment about 'what has he been up to?' The studio audience squeal as if in pain with laughter. Er....why? The only reason the hands would be green is if they had handled the secret plans. Nothing in any way sexual orientated.

It's this desperate attempt at humour that makes this show fail so terribly. I'd like to know as well just what the audience was on to find this sad stuff so hilarious. Drink? Drugs? Sheer insanity? Has to have been something.
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