Review of The Breed

The Breed (2006)
Not The Worst Film I Ever Seen, But Not The Best Either
26 September 2006
This movie had something that kept me watching but i'm not to sure what it was, maybe sheer boredom on a Sunday night.

The Characters where OK but i was expecting a Horror and didn't really get it. The story involves dogs, not 16ft killer dogs, just dogs! The Token black guy in the movie just made me mad, it was as if he was trying to be the funny black guy but he just never quite said anything funny at all.

the rest of the cast did a decent job and the acting was fine, it even had a bit of originality when the actors in a "horror" movie actually used a bit of common sense but the whole thing was just lacking something for me.

I don't recommend this movie at all but if your bored and don't want to think for an hour and a half then it might be worth a rent.
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