Review of Fallout

Jericho: Fallout (2006)
Season 1, Episode 2
going down hill fast.
28 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the entire first episode and started to watch this episode. I couldn't put up with more than 15 minutes of the second episode.

There are so many things wrong with it it is difficult to know where to start. It doesn't seem like Kansas and the people do not look like Kansans. I've spent some time in Dodge City, which is not that far to the west. Looking at this show it seems that Jericho would be near Goodland. But it ain't Goodland.

The school bus has number 0263 on its side. Would a small town in Kansas have numbers that high? The sheriff's squad car says "Jericho Sheriff." Of course the sheriff is a county official and his car would say "Ford County Sheriff.

Also Denver is a long way from the Kansas boarder and a nuclear explosion would not be visible at that distance. The population of Jericho is also too young for the town. The young people in small Kansas towns go away to college (Generally K.U. or K. State and rarely return. If this town actually existed its typical citizen would be at least 50.

And finally in the event of an actual nuclear war at least 85 of Kansas's 105 counties would come away unharmed and they would rapidly reestablish the state. In one of my classes at K.U. our teacher declared that in the event of a nuclear war he would love to be in Gove, Kansas.

Just more low quality American television.
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