Vive Le Lewis!
30 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After THE DISORDERLY ORDERLY, this is Jerry Lewis's best film. Like DD, WMTS is directed by the great Frank Tashlin. The sight gags are hysterical, highlighted by a very funny fight between Lewis and a very aggressive vacuum cleaner. Nancy Kulp, herself a sight gag, is pretty amusing as a great white hunter. Lewis gets a terrific foil in shrewish department store owner Agnes Moorehead. Although Jill St. John is a bit harder to take as her daughter. She's insistent on being with Jerry and that's tough to digest. Lewis usually kept his leading ladies to the Ina Balin type...semi-ingenues who would believably be smitten with him. Nevertheless, the movie is terrific with the now famous typewriter gag.
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