Review of Aquaman

Aquaman (2006 TV Movie)
Pilot Makes Big Splash But is no Tsunami
2 October 2006
This show is the very sort of program that is needed--desperately. How many shows out there deal with the looming global catastrophe growing from the abuse of the ocean's resources? Human beings are having a devastating effect on life in the sea and few are even paying attention. Along comes a show that hints at the potential to address these vital issues and it never gets holds water. I guess it is like Dr. Chomsky says: television is not about the programs, it's about the advertising. In the television world, what they call "content" is the commercials they want us to watch while the "filler" is just the show that comes in between the ads. Maybe if more viewers understood this and were more discriminating and vocal about their television viewing, Hollywood and advertising sponsors alike would get the message that it is better to have a show that interests a lot of people than try to get advertisers that want or don't want to sponsor a particular show. (Though I can see how a company that sells tuna fish would not be so tempted to sponsor a show with a superhero character that makes fishermen out to be the (ofttime) bad guy.)

I don't know that it was a sponsor that influenced this show to not get picked up but it makes sense that if not enough companies were willing to sponsor this show, its chances of getting on the air would sink straight to the bottom like a lead weight in water.

Aquaman was one of my favorite superheroes in childhood and I would have very much liked to have seen this show become a regular series. I do believe it had good potential to float although the pilot in some ways felt weak to me. The acting was not particularly good and the scripts could have used more polish. I see that often in pilots and then the show gets better as time goes on so that could well have been the case here. Looks like we'll never get the chance to find out. What a shame.

Perhaps if viewers show enough interest, this pilot might be further developed into a TV movie or a mini-series. I would certainly be one of the first in the water to buy it on iTunes.

I rate this 7 out of 10.

Wordcount: 392
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