How is this worth anyones time?? spoilers i guess, nothing u couldn't guess
2 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Lighting effects were cool but they get old fast, the acting was horrible, there's one part when the sisters friend is a demon and and she is chasing her, you know how girls run when they look like they don't want to break a nail? well i don't think an undead would run like that, but maybe I'm wrong. The acting was pretty bad. At the end she lingers around waiting for something i guess she knows her sister will be coming for her but even after she kills her she just idly walks around. Who the hell would do that. and of course the ending was totally obvious. This movie could of been better with, actors that knew something about acting, a plot that had at least a small twist, and scenes that didn't make the characters look like total fools that deserved to die anyways. Because for me once you know the character is a moron you know they are going to die and secondly you don't care at all. I have seen worse movies but this one is definitely not worth anyones time.
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